A few days ago, a devastated mother shared heartbreaking footage of her nine-year-old son, Quaden, begging for a rope to end his life after he was viciously bullied at school over his dwarfism.

Yarraka Bayles, from Brisbane, shared vision of her son Quaden sobbing after she picked him up from school.

The video, which has been viewed over ten million times, shows the distraught young boy saying: “I just want to stab myself in the heart… I want someone to kill me”.

He adds, “Give me a rope, I want to kill myself”.

Click ‘PLAY’ below to hear Jonesy & Amanda’s reflection on the heartbreaking footage:

This morning, Jonesy & Amanda discovered the footage and couldn’t help but mention it on air.


“I can’t believe in this day and age that people still bully kids like that,” Jonesy explained.

Since the video was uploaded, Yarraka and Quaden have been inundated with beautiful messages of support. The Indigenous All Stars NRL team has even got in touch with the family, asking Quaden to walk them onto the pitch this Saturday.

Amanda added, “We need better disability awareness in our schools and communities. This poor, poor boy, but I absolutely hope that he is feeling the love.”

Watch the devastating vision here.

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