The Australian Interior Design Awards have just awarded this home the ‘Premier Award for Australian Interior Design’ which roughly translates to “oi this place is real pretty aye”.

Designed by Clare Cousins Architects for Stable & Cart House this Melbourne property, built with the bones of a 1920’s warehouse, is absolutely stunning. According to the jury (yeah, the awards have a jury, woah) “Stable and Cart House beautifully balances the retention of an existing building with very bold and practical new insertions” and honestly I was thinking the exact same thing.

The awards cover a bunch of different categories including ‘Interior Design Impact’, ‘Hospitality Design’, ‘Workplace Design’, ‘Residential Decoration’ and more. Each winning entry is truly incredible with full galleries so you can envision yourself living there rather than in a share house where your roommate Daniel won’t stop stealing your food even though he claims he’s never taken your leftover ravioli… anyway, you can check out all the winners here.

Want more? Listen to this best bit from Jonesy & Amanda!