Time for yet another commitment ceremony! John has been saying for the past 3 weeks that they’re halfway through so we’ve got to be heading towards the end right?

Dom and Jack start us off and there’s not much to report. Family, dogs, stay etc. Uneventful.


Matt and Kate are up next. Matt talks about how he bought her perfume and acknowledges their lack of chemistry but points out that many couples didn’t have chemistry in the 2nd week (especially if they refuse to try). Kate says she’s “not here to play fake relationships”… uhhh that’s the whole point of the show?


I’m seriously stumped by which show this year’s contestants thought they were applying for. John asks Kate what she’s done to build the bond between them, and caught out, she says “umm… umm… ummm… just by being around him” and starts to cry. John calls her out for acting like Matt isn’t good enough for her and treating him with contempt. She chooses to leave but masochistic Matt decides to stay so they’re stuck.


It’s Ella and Mitch’s turn. Mitch talks about how the environment is tough for him cos he’s normally so private and uncomfortable in front of cameras. John is feisty today and tells him to suck it up and that if they can get through this experiment reality is easy and will most certainly result in a fairytale like it did for the other 0.003% of couples. Mitch decides to stay for Ella and Instagram and Alessandra is pleased cos she has a special place in her heart for them.


Selina and Cody are up and this is one of the alternating weeks where they like each other, or in this case like like each other.

Sam and Al are on the couch and poor Al says that things are going great between them. Sam says that she needs a deeper connection, passion and inspiration, but I don’t know, it sure seems to me like her parents have made her feel like Al isn’t good enough and that the pressure to be ambitious and “successful” looks quite intense. Al happily chooses stay but is blindsided when Sam writes leave. Which makes no sense cos wouldn’t you rather have a kind, easygoing guy like Al who wants to try and is willing to be a better person than someone who’s most important quality is that they’re on a CEO trajectory. But, I’m not an expert and the experts seem to think Al needs to “do better”??



Olivia and Jackson, and Tamara and Brent get about 30 sec of uneventful time each. All choose to stay.

Finally, it’s the time we’ve all been waiting for! Carolina and Dion are the last couple up.


Dion is mentally drained after a week where things have gone from bad to worse. Carolina starts saying something about speaking “her truth” and here’s a hint, when someone says something is “my truth” is almost certainly not “THE truth”. Dion thinks they were dancing around and having fun, Carolina says she wasn’t dancing, but when Dion says she was having fun and laughing, she tells him she was laughing AT him. The experts tell Carolina that this is downright nasty behaviour. John pulls out his notebook and says he took notes at the dinner party.

He lists her reasons for her and Dion not being compatible as: Dion not having a traumatic past (???), not eating breakfast, and watching reality TV instead of documentaries (and as someone who doesn’t eat breakfast and lives for the mess of reality TV, I’m feeling kinda personally attacked too, as would most of her potential reality TV loving followers). She retorts that that isn’t all, he also doesn’t go to the gym, or drink coffee!!!!


Fellow Latina Alessandra is also starting to feel personally attacked by Carolina. She says that it’s difficult for her to watch Carolina, and is herself personally insulted by Carolina justifying her nastiness on “being Latina”. You can tell Carolina thought Alessandra would have taken her side, cos she spouts something about English being her second language and Alessandra isn’t having any of it. She shuts Carolina down, saying English is her second language too and “sorry but no”.


Carolina writes to leave, and Dion says he did write stay but wants to change it to leave now. John, knowing that producers still have the affair storyline yet to  play out, tells Dion he can’t leave and they’re both stuck for another week.


The experts made a mistake and forgot to let expert #4 Dom speak, so she’s forced to wait until Carolina is back on the couch. She tells Carolina that that was disgusting behaviour and asks if that’s how she wants to show herself. She says Carolina is making zero effort, and Carolina storms off, unable to be called out. Dion follows her out to see is she’s ok and she starts trashing him for letting her take all the blame when clearly he should have been going to the gym and eating breakfast. He says he was just trying to be nice, and honestly, good on him cos most of us probably wouldn’t have been that nice.

Back in the room, Olivia calls out Dom calling out other people, saying she just has to have someone to hate. Dom says that if she’s got something to say, she’ll say it to someone’s face. Olivia tells her to choose her words carefully before she starts spitting at other people. Tune in this week for when it heats up and Dom breaks a glass?




Want more? Listen to this best bit from Jonesy & Amanda!